QS Higher Education Summits

Attend our thought leadership conferences around the world to connect with industry experts, build partnerships and discuss the latest challenges, opportunities and trends in higher education.


attendees per year, across 7 conferences

Our conferences

Meet with higher education leaders and experts from around the world, in person and online, to discuss emerging trends and pressing challenges in higher education.

Our portfolio of annual summits includes the QS EduData Summit and QS Reimagine Education, as well as our regional and country-focused events for Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Americas, China, Brazil and India.

Check out our upcoming conferences

QS Reimagine Education

Celebrating innovation

Join world-leading innovators in teaching, learning and employability for our annual summit and awards.

QS EduData Summit

Leveraging your institution’s data

Join us at the world’s premium forum for data-driven educators, platform strategists and data scientists.

Our regional summits

Insights at a local level

Join higher education leaders to investigate and discuss key trends and challenges within the sector across specific regions.

QS MoveON Conference

For your international office

Benefit from focused sessions exploring QS MoveON user best practices, new product features, practical tips and hands-on training.

Our global network

QS Higher Ed Summits never cease to amaze me with the quality of speakers and thought-provoking conversations. Each conference I attended brought high-quality university partnership opportunities and opened my eyes to new trends in higher education at a local and regional level.

Levent Yarar, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Wharton Interactive, University of Pennsylvania

Other QS events

Connect with global thought leaders and share your expertise and experiences as you discuss the past, present and future of higher education.

User community events

Learn best practice from other institutions and our experts at one of our events for users of our analytics tools, including QS Stars.


Be a part of the conversation and join our collaborative and engaging discussions on focused higher education topics.

Third–party events

You will often find a QS representative presenting or participating in panel discussions at external events hosted across the world by our inspiring partners.

On-demand webinars

Sign up for our upcoming webinar series to access the latest sector insights and data-driven solutions to benefit your institution.

Sign up

Upcoming QS events

QS Higher Ed Summit: Asia Pacific 2023

Join us at QS Higher Ed Summit: Asia Pacific 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 7-9 November 2023.

The Summit will look at the upcoming trends for the Asia Pacific region, its needs and wants, and where the greatest opportunities lie.

QS Reimagine Education Awards & Conference 2023

Reimagine Education, (Hybrid) connects over 3000 government policy influencers, ed tech companies and university leaders to discuss how we might better measure learning gain; novel applications of neuroscience and artificial intelligence; new teaching and learning process and the future of education. Join us in Abu Dhabi from 11-13 Dec 2023.

QS India Summit 2024

QS India Summit will explore the history of education within the region and discuss its possible futures, how it can get there, the changing demands of students, businesses, and the community, and the likely trends over the next few years. Join us in Chennai on 9-10 February 2024.

QS Higher Ed Summit: Middle East 2023

The QS Higher Ed Summit: Middle East will help leaders and professionals in higher education understand the current landscape of the Middle East, and foster opportunities for collaboration and growth regionally and globally.

Join us in a rich atmosphere of nature and history as we connect industry experts, educators and policymakers in a series of panels and workshops. This summit

If you are interested in attending the QS Higher Ed Summit: Middle East 2024, register your interest here. Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates on 27-28 February 2024.

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