Performance Management Solutions

We work with institutions across the globe to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop effective strategies to improve their performance.

Black and white image of students reading university communications

Evaluate and assess performance

Looking to understand and manage your institution’s performance better?

Using our advanced analytics tools, expertise, and rankings and ratings systems, you can build a complete picture of your institution’s performance in a range of key areas.

Explore our performance evaluation and assessment tools below, or get in touch with a QS team member today and learn how these can be leveraged as part of a broader performance management strategy.

Get in touch


Track, analyse and compare your institution’s performance and reputation via our range of user-friendly analytics tools.

Performance ratings

Our globally recognised university rating system, QS Stars, rates performance within a comprehensive framework.

Introductory assessments

Receive an evaluation of where your institution stands in regard to entering the QS World University Rankings for the first time.

Rankings insights

Access an in-depth evaluation of your institution’s position in the QS World University Rankings with our user-friendly analytics tool.

Plan and strategise

Looking to improve your institution’s performance?

If you are unsure how to leverage the performance insights you’ve gained through our analytics services, our team of higher education experts has the experience and knowledge required to build an effective strategy that works for you.

We’ve helped institutions across the globe build effective strategies to improve performance in a vast range of areas, including sustainability, research output and pedagogy.

Get in touch with a QS team member today to discuss your institution’s performance ambitions.

Three employees are having a conversation whilst gathered around a whiteboard covered in sticky notes.
A man is taking a call whilst sitting at his desk and smiling.

Implement, measure and refine

If you require support with a live framework, or you are simply looking for applied solutions that can help you manage it better, we can help.

Explore some of our performance management tools below, or get in touch with a QS team member today to discuss how your performance approach can reach new heights.

Reputation management software

Effectively manage your institution’s contacts and communications with academic institutions and employers across the world using our SaaS-based solution.

We are particularly pleased to have students writing to us to say they chose Lancaster University because we are a 5 Stars-rated institution.

Ben Matthews
Ben Matthews, Associate Director, Global Engagement, Lancaster University


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A black and white photograph of two men sitting at a table during a conference with a laptop.
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What do our partners think?

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If you are looking to build a long-term strategic plan or have a unique challenge, you may want to explore a bespoke partnership with one of our seasoned consultants or advisors.

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Lifelong learning
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