Internationalisation solutions

We work with institutions across the globe to establish and manage new international partnerships and achieve their mobility goals.

Evaluate and assess

Looking to understand your institution’s global footprint better?

With years of experience conducting and developing university rankings and ratings, QS is equipped with the tools and expertise to paint a clear picture of your institution’s character and performance – insights that will help identify and foster strong relationships with like-minded international partners who share your vision.

Explore our range of reputation evaluation and assessment tools below, or get in touch with a QS team member today to learn how these can be leveraged as part of a broader reputation strategy.

University performance rating

Our globally recognised university rating system, QS Stars, uses a comprehensive framework to rate and showcase university performance across a range of criteria.

Student insights

Understand what motivates global candidates and what they expect from higher education institutions today with our user-friendly analytics tool.

Plan and strategise

Looking to improve your student mobility and international partnerships?

If you are unsure how to leverage the internationalisation insights you’ve gained through our analytics services, our team of higher education experts have the experience and knowledge required to build an effective strategy that works for you.

Our global network enables us to provide expert advice on how to accelerate and communicate your messaging overseas and build the most effective strategies to enhance your institution’s reach across the world.

Get in touch with a QS team member today to discuss your institution’s global ambitions.

Implement, measure and refine

Looking to manage or expand your institution’s current internationalisation approach?

If you require support with a live framework or you are simply looking for applied solutions that can help you manage it better, we can help.

Support your international office with our SaaS platform, MoveON — improving mobility processes and helping to track international partnerships more efficiently. Or utilise our global network to expand your international reach through our online platforms and annual summits.

Explore some of our international partnership tools below, or get in touch with a QS team member today to discuss how your internationalisation approach can reach new heights.

International partnerships and mobility management software

Centralise all mobility activity and track international relations with partner institutions using our SaaS platform, MoveON.

Marketing and advertising

Leverage our global network, tools and years of expertise to engage and communicate effectively with students and other key stakeholders.

QS Higher Ed Summits

Explore our range of events and connect with industry experts, build partnerships and discuss the latest issues and trends in higher education.

Not sure where to begin?

Let us know your institution’s internationalisation challenges or objectives and we’ll build the perfect solution for you.

Get in touch

Success stories

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