Data and Insights

Our expansive surveys, rankings portfolio and team of expert analysts reinforce our data-led and insights-driven approach.

The go-to source of
higher education insights

Data is the foundation of everything we do here at QS.

Alongside our student insights, the QS World University Rankings is compiled by our data analysts in partnership with tens of thousands of higher education institutions and incorporates data from:


academic papers





Analytics solutions

Track, analyse and compare your institution’s performance and reputation or explore student insights — via our range of user-friendly analytics tools and support from expert analysts.

Learn more

Insights-led strategic thinking

We leverage the billions of data points generated through our global network to help our university partners in their strategic thinking.

Everything we do to support our partners — whether via our machine learning conversion service or the development of a new performance framework — is underpinned by our data-led approach.

A black and white photo of two people reviewing graphs on a laptop.

QS solutions powered by data

We partner with universities and business schools across the world to help you establish and achieve your strategic ambitions, with data at the heart of our solutions.

Recruitment solutions

We support you at all stages of the student recruitment journey — from engagement through to retention.

Performance solutions

We analyse your institution’s strengths and weaknesses — developing effective strategies to improve your performance in focus areas.

Reputation solutions

We develop a bespoke plan to help refine and amplify your brand  — leveraging our expertise and reach within the sector to achieve results.

Internationalisation solutions

Our global network and reach enable us to build the most effective strategies to enhance your institution’s presence across the world.

Our insights

At QS, we understand the complexity of the challenges faced by the international higher education community. We have the unique data and insights to help universities map out a clear way forward amid the dizzying pace of change.

Dr Edward Harcourt, Senior Vice President at QS based in Malaysia and former Pro-Vice Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University
A black and white photograph of two men sitting at a table during a conference with a laptop.
A profile photo of Dr Edward Harcourt wearing a blue blazer.

QS International Student Survey 2024

Participate in the world’s largest prospective student survey and receive a free benchmarking report specific to your institution.

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