Consultancy and Advisory Services

Our team of seasoned experts offer institutions the insights, direction and commitment required to build and realise your long-term strategic vision.

Consultancy and advisory services

Our expert consultants work closely with senior academic and administrative staff, research groups, strategic planning departments and university committees to deliver customised support that achieves results.

Currently working with over 70 universities and business schools around the world, our team is composed of seasoned experts with a wealth of experience in the fields of education, government, innovation, research, leadership and development.

We empower universities to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing higher education landscape, capitalise on emerging trends and seize opportunities for sustainable growth, excellence, and global recognition.

A woman in a yellow shirt presents to a group of colleagues sitting at a meeting table with laptops, notepads and pens.
Two women stand up presenting to a group sitting at a table. There is a whiteboard with a chart on it behind them.

Our expert consultants

How we help

Our range of advisory and consultancy services provide institutions with the direction to harness excellence, cultivate impact and achieve world-class standards.

Four colleagues converse around a laptop in a modern office building.

Leadership workshops

Our advisory and consultancy experts work closely with senior stakeholders to develop impactful strategies — leveraging their data and insights.

A person sat on a leather sofa with a laptop laughing at something off-camera.

Strategic audit reviews

Our experts investigate your processes and procedures to identify pain points and provide solutions.

A view across a large meeting room/lecture theatre. The seats are blue and the desks wooden with built-in audio equipment.

Global engagement advisory

Our experts offer advice and direction on how to establish your brand overseas and develop meaningful international partnerships.

Two colleagues work on a large whiteboard. One of them watches as the other writes while holding a laptop.

Institutional roadmaps

Our experts help you achieve your long-term strategic vision — mapping out a direction and plan, for the next six months or 10 years.

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Not sure what help you require?
Drop us a message and one of our expert consultants will be in touch to advise.

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