QS Connect

Our QS Connect events enable meaningful interactions with high-quality prospective students – helping you convert interest to application.

Meet directly with engaged candidates


Register for upcoming Connect events

Direct engagement

Engage with interested candidates from around the world either 1-2-1 or in small groups at QS Connect events – helping to improve your conversion rate by turning interest into application.

Improve conversion

QS Connect events are purposefully built to encourage meaningful and influential connections with prospective students.

Increase brand recognition

Engage audiences with thought leadership content, panels, presentations, campaign management and automation tools.


Our QS Connect events are available in both in-person and online formats, helping you connect with students all across the globe.

Key benefits

Extensive reach

We receive nearly 800 student registrations on average per event.

This equates to over 250,000 student registrations in total since we began our events in 2020.

Effective conversion

On average, universities make 8.5 quality connections per event.

In fact, 92% of QS Connect attendees have been in contact with at least two schools they connected with at our event.

High ROI

69% of students said that QS events helped them make a study decision

In fact, 85% of QS Connect event attendees intend to apply to more than two schools theyʼve met at the event.


We host over 300 events across 65 countries.

Our events help institutions reach prospective students in their target markets and meet internationalisation goals.

Explore our events schedule

Hear what our
clients & customers
say about QS

Other student
recruitment solutions

Marketing and advertising

Leverage our global network, marketing tools and years of expertise to engage and communicate effectively with students.

Student Insights Tracker

Understand the motivations and expectations of global candidates with our user-friendly analytics tool.

QS Discover

Meet candidates from around the world at a QS Discover student recruitment fair where you can build and strengthen your student pipeline.

Get in touch

Interested in your institution attending one of our QS Connect events?

Contact us

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