Application and Admissions Management Services

Designed to improve your turnaround time to assess applications and make offers.

Your ‘application release valve’

We can scale up your admissions operations and release the backlog or pressure points in your application processing.

Quick implementation means we can accelerate your application assessment process when you need it the most. We’ll improve your turnaround times, applicants’ experience and offer pipeline to support your student recruitment targets.

Key benefits

Live reporting

Access a live dashboard and reports for an accurate picture of your student pipeline.

Segment your data by market, faculty or study level for insight into your prospects’ intentions and engagement with your institution.

Seamless integration

We add scale to your teams and technology so they are free to take on other projects.

As an extension of your teams, we help reduce the backlog of enquiries, applicants and offers, and improve the level of service provided.

Cutting-edge technology

We invest in the latest technology and systems purposely built for student recruitment.

Our teams leverage in-house machine learning models to identify and prioritise one-to-one conversion activity with quality leads.

Expert support

We have 25 years’ experience as trusted student recruitment, engagement and retention partners.

Our specialist teams include in-house CRM managers, developers and consultants, to help your institution overcome any challenge.

Key benefits

A photo of the back of a person’s head. The person is sitting at an office desk and wearing a headset.

Use your existing systems 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to use a new admissions system. We currently support university partners across 12 different platforms so we have a successful onboarding process to train our admissions officers on new systems. We may already be using yours.

Bespoke global resource built for you 

Unlike other providers, the experienced QS team is spread across six global locations. We will allocate a dedicated team to process your applications. Our advisors will present themselves as staff from your university and provide personalised communications on the preferred channels, in their time zone. 

A group of students are sitting outside on their campus’ garden steps and having a friendly discussion.

Prioritisation for growth and diversification 

To focus on applications that are more likely to convert into enrolments, we will build bespoke machine learning models (AI technology) to help us screen your applications. This technology won’t make any decisions on your applications, our team of admissions officers will.  

Improve your applicants’ experience

Applicant experience is as important as offer holders. We’ll proactively send emails to collect information required from applicants and respond to incoming enquiries. Ensuring they have a good impression of your university which will support conversion and enrolment.


Three students smiling and laughing as they sit at a desk in front of laptops and notebooks.

Hear what our
clients & customers
say about QS

Frequently asked questions

How does admissions support work in practice?

We act as an extension of your existing admissions team, working inside your systems, to your protocols and meeting your requirements – never veering outside of them. Our trained admissions teams will quickly learn your workflows to quickly and accurately process applications, providing a ‘release valve’ to any backlogs or surge periods. Alongside this we will provide a review of your processes, based on our deep experience of working across many admissions teams, creating efficiencies. We report on progress metrics regularly and provide peace of mind through rigorous quality assurance.  

Can you help me right now?

Yes, we can implement an admissions service quickly, often working to tight deadlines or meeting ‘in-cycle’ backlogs.  

Does this create more work for me?

Initially we will require some of your time to help train us in your ways of working, but this initial investment pays dividends as the service goes live and we relieve workload. Unlike new hires or temporary staff, we do not need to be retrained – and you only have to tell us once  

Can I choose which applications you help process?

Yes, we can support you with applications for target cohorts or from specific countries and regions. If needed, we can also support you with your whole admissions service. We work flexibly to help you achieve your admissions objectives and targets.  

Want to learn more?

Get in touch today and our admissions experts will be happy to help.

Contact us

Other relevant solutions

Enquiry management services

Discover how you can improve your enquiry response timesexperience and conversion with the help of our enrolment experts.

Offer holder conversion

Prioirtise and convert more of the right students for your institution with our insights-led conversion service.

Student retention

Improve your student experience and outcomes with our prioritised and proactive engagement. 

Not sure what support you need?

Don’t worry. Get in touch and we can help guide you.

Contact us

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