Admissions and Enrolment Solutions

QS is the leading global provider of outsourced international and domestic student recruitment, conversion, engagement and retention services.

Supported university partners with their student journeys for 24 years

6 delivery centres in the UK, Romania, Malaysia, India, Australia and Colombia

Employ 750 education specialists around the world

Support 1 million student journeys every year

An extension of your team

We can scale up and elevate your institution’s capacity to process applications, effectively convert enquirers and offer holders, and retain students.

With trained staff and delivery centers around the world we can provide round-the-clock support to provide a personalised student journey.

Using purpose built student recruitment CRM and technology, we seamlessly integrate with your systems, processes and teams.

Our AI technology and data-led services, enables us to enhance your conversion activities, increase enrolments and improve student experience.

Don’t struggle alone. We can help you achieve your growth and diversification objectives.


Black and white image of QS delivery centre
Black and white image of students reading university communications

End-to-end support

Student journeys are complex. That’s why we have developed services for the key different touch points. Using these, we can create bespoke solutions to meet your needs.


Enquiry management

Discover how you can improve your enquiry response timesexperience and conversion with the help of our enrolment experts.

Admissions support

Designed to improve your turnaround time to assess applications and make offers before your competition.

Offer holder conversion

Prioirtise and convert more of the right students for your institution with our insights-led conversion service.

Student retention

Improve your student experience and outcomes with our prioritised and proactive engagement service.  

Success stories

The highest growth in demand is from traditional strongholds which are typically high-volume markets and that is putting a lot of internal operational pressure on us. That’s why it has been so good to lean on QS, for the support, for the technology and for the insights.

Marko Remes
Marko Remes, Dean, International Business Operations, Edith Cowan University

Read the full story

Indian Students
qs success stories image

What do
our institutional
partners think?

Not sure what support you require?

Get in touch with us and one of our enrolment experts will help guide you.

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Other solutions that may interest you

Student application management

Grow and diversify your student pipeline using our global network of QS counsellors.

Admissions management software

Upgrade the application experience and streamline your processes.

We’re here to help

Drop us a message if you would like help with achieving your strategic objectives.

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