Your Global Higher
Education Experts

We are the go-to source of insights, expertise and solutions for universities and students across the world.

What we offer

Explore the three core pillars of our expertise to discover what you can achieve in partnership with Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).

Applied solutions

Not only do we have the tools to understand your goals, but the expertise and data-driven market knowledge to deliver them.

Data and insights

We take an insights-driven approach to everything we do, reinforced by our expansive surveys, rankings portfolio and team of expert analysts.

Consultancy and advisory

Our team of seasoned experts offers our partners the insights, direction and commitment required to build and realise your long-term strategic vision.

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higher education insights

Hear from our global network

We help solve your key challenges

QS partners with universities and business schools across the world to help you establish and achieve your strategic ambitions.

Find, convert and enrol students

We support you at all stages of the student recruitment journey, from engagement to enrolment and retention.

Manage and improve your performance

We analyse your institution’s strengths and weaknesses – developing effective strategies to improve its performance in key areas.

Understand and enhance your reputation

We develop a bespoke plan to help refine and amplify your brand – leveraging our expertise and reach to achieve results.

Achieve your internationalisation goals

Our global network enables us to build the most effective strategies to enhance your institution’s reach across the world.

A black and white image of a teacher with glasses smiling and looking at a whiteboard. The whiteboard is covered in pieces of paper and writing.

What do
our institutional
partners think?

Our beginnings

Empowering motivated students across the globe to fulfil their potential has always been at the heart of the QS mission. Launched as a student project in 1990 by our founder and President Nunzio Quacquarelli, QS has grown to become the established world leader in higher education performance and insights.

Since its entrepreneurial beginnings, Quacquarelli Symonds has built a community of institutional partners and our data-driven expertise is known and respected by both higher education leaders and prospective students across the world.

Find out more about QS

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